Wednesday, April 13, 2011

They"re Coming For A Visit!

"Never fear shadows.  They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby."
My "Far-away Family" is coming for a visit next week.  My son has been having back problems and has been here for over a week.  The doctor told him yesterday to bring his family over, his recovery will take several weeks yet.  We are so anxious to see them, but wish that the circumstances were different.  I cry just thinking about holding them again.  Can't wait til they get here.

  My "Enchilada" wants to come to Pennsylvania to see his daddy.


             She said she wants to come to "America".

Baby "J" has no idea how long a 15 hour plane ride is.  However, his Mom does!  I just hope and pray for all of them it's a safe and uneventful journey.  Can't wait to see you!



  1. Sorry to hear about your son's problem, but it will be great to have the grandchildren around you.
    Enjoy the time with them.

  2. That is so exciting!!! I am sorry about your son's back and I pray it heals quickly.

    Love and blessings,
