"God couldn't be everywhere. . .So he created Aunts!"
The Aunts in our family have so much PATIENCE! Chloe, "the little mother", thinks she needs to take care of all the little ones. Actually, she does a pretty good job. Aunt Bethany is always very generous and allows her to help.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Uncles Continued
With going to the emergency room before our 2 Christmas parties, I didn't get much of a chance for a lot of pictures. The first party with my parents and brothers familiy, I don't think I took any. That is so disappointing for me, I love having pictures for this blog. At least I got a few later in the day for our immediate family, not enough, but a few.
"An uncle is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love."
It is always so much fun for me to see the kids interact with their aunts and uncles. They don't get to see eachother often, but make up for lost time.
It is always so much fun for me to see the kids interact with their aunts and uncles. They don't get to see eachother often, but make up for lost time.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
First Christmas
"Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words."
This was our Camryn's first Christmas, although we did buy her gifts last year. She seemed to love every minute of it. She is very content to entertain herself, which is so nice for mommy.
Samuel was really tearing into the gifts at first, then he decided he wanted to climb on chairs and sit at the table. Eventually, he went for a nap while the rest of us ate a roast beef dinner. Gracie had just gotten up from her nap and wasn't ready to socialize yet. It took her awhile to wake up so by the time they were ready to go home, Gracie was having a great time!
This was our Camryn's first Christmas, although we did buy her gifts last year. She seemed to love every minute of it. She is very content to entertain herself, which is so nice for mommy.
Samuel was really tearing into the gifts at first, then he decided he wanted to climb on chairs and sit at the table. Eventually, he went for a nap while the rest of us ate a roast beef dinner. Gracie had just gotten up from her nap and wasn't ready to socialize yet. It took her awhile to wake up so by the time they were ready to go home, Gracie was having a great time!
Here Comes The Bride?!?
"Most grandmas have a touch of the scallywag." Helen Thomson
Chloe wanted a double stroller for her dolls and dress up clothing. Her favorite dress was the brides dress. I'm not too sure her daddy was pleased with the selection!
Chloe wanted a double stroller for her dolls and dress up clothing. Her favorite dress was the brides dress. I'm not too sure her daddy was pleased with the selection!
"The laughter of girls is, and ever was, among the Delightful Sounds of the Earth."
Cali was such a social butterfly today. She was loving on everyone. We got her a new babydoll ( like she really needed one) a pink cradle and a pink changing/bathing center.
She always goes into Chloe's room to play so we thought she needed a few things of her very own.
In the morning, we had my parents, my brother, sister-in-law and their family for a Christmas brunch. Right when everyone was arriving, I had a bad reaction to some new thyroid medicine I am taking. My entire body was red and felt like it was on fire. Jake went to the store to get me some Benadryl. By the time he got back, I was so dizzy and shaky, I asked Carl to take me to the ER. We were there for about 3 hours for intravenous steroids and some other kind of medicine. Needless to stay, we missed the entire party.
Cali was such a social butterfly today. She was loving on everyone. We got her a new babydoll ( like she really needed one) a pink cradle and a pink changing/bathing center.
She always goes into Chloe's room to play so we thought she needed a few things of her very own.
In the morning, we had my parents, my brother, sister-in-law and their family for a Christmas brunch. Right when everyone was arriving, I had a bad reaction to some new thyroid medicine I am taking. My entire body was red and felt like it was on fire. Jake went to the store to get me some Benadryl. By the time he got back, I was so dizzy and shaky, I asked Carl to take me to the ER. We were there for about 3 hours for intravenous steroids and some other kind of medicine. Needless to stay, we missed the entire party.
"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our grandchildren."
The boys wanted their favorite team/players jerseys. Cole got Fernando Torres of Liverpool and Carter got Wayne Rooney of Manchester United. It was so much fun watching them open their gifts. The expression on their faces was so cute when they first saw the jerseys.
The boys wanted their favorite team/players jerseys. Cole got Fernando Torres of Liverpool and Carter got Wayne Rooney of Manchester United. It was so much fun watching them open their gifts. The expression on their faces was so cute when they first saw the jerseys.
"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.."
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Another Gingerbread House
"May peace be your Christmas and your blessing all year through."
The girls did another gingerbread house this year. They worked well together, but there was candy dropping all over the floor. Cali did try quite a bit of it also. I could tell because there were alot of sticky pieces!
The girls did another gingerbread house this year. They worked well together, but there was candy dropping all over the floor. Cali did try quite a bit of it also. I could tell because there were alot of sticky pieces!
Me Too
"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." Charles Dickens
Cali went along to the party at preschool. She acted like she attended every day. She was a social butterfly and just played with everyone.
Cali went along to the party at preschool. She acted like she attended every day. She was a social butterfly and just played with everyone.
PreSchool Party
"Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts." Janice Malditere
On Monday, Chloe had her Christmas party at preschool. She was all decked out in her Christmas outfit. Although she wasn't feeling the best, she still had a good time and had smiles for everyone. She asked Santa Claus, "What makes your reindeer magic?" He told her it was a secret.
On Monday, Chloe had her Christmas party at preschool. She was all decked out in her Christmas outfit. Although she wasn't feeling the best, she still had a good time and had smiles for everyone. She asked Santa Claus, "What makes your reindeer magic?" He told her it was a secret.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
She Loves Books
"Perhaps the best Yuletide decorarions is being wreathed in smiles."
Camryn loves reading books. This was her favorite Christmas book. She actually turns the page when she is done looking at it.
Camryn loves reading books. This was her favorite Christmas book. She actually turns the page when she is done looking at it.
Please Let Me Play
"Being pretty on the inside means you don't hit your brother and you eat all your peas - that's what my grandma taught me." Lord Chesterfield
Cali really wanted to play Wii with Carter, but that wasn't in his plans. She didn't give up, so he finally took away the control that she was holding.
Cali really wanted to play Wii with Carter, but that wasn't in his plans. She didn't give up, so he finally took away the control that she was holding.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." Mother Theresa
Painting Pincones
"Keep your Christmas heart open all the year around." Jessica Archment
Another project of ours was painting pinecones. They love giving home-made gifts. Chloe was very particular about where and how she laid them once they were painted. Cali, on the other hand, isn't old enough to really care. She just wanted to paint for a few seconds and get down and then painted again for a few seconds etc. She did a good job, but only get one done. We are attaching the Legend of the Silver Pine Cone from Germany, but I can't tell you what that is. It would spoil their surprise!
Another project of ours was painting pinecones. They love giving home-made gifts. Chloe was very particular about where and how she laid them once they were painted. Cali, on the other hand, isn't old enough to really care. She just wanted to paint for a few seconds and get down and then painted again for a few seconds etc. She did a good job, but only get one done. We are attaching the Legend of the Silver Pine Cone from Germany, but I can't tell you what that is. It would spoil their surprise!
"It's Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." WT Ellis
As you all know, Chloe loves doing projects. I printed the manger scene for her to color. We shared coloring since it was such a big job. She went outside to gather some sticks, asking "Why do we need sticks." "Just go" I said. She did and was happy when she saw what we were doing with them. Next, I sent her for dried grass. She came back and said she couldn't find any, just dried leaves. I went along with her and we found dried grass for the manger and the floor of the barn. She was so proud of her project and put it in her bedroom for display. Later, I went into the garage and found a bale of hay! It would have looked better, but Chloe is satisfied with the dried grass. That is all that matters.

As you all know, Chloe loves doing projects. I printed the manger scene for her to color. We shared coloring since it was such a big job. She went outside to gather some sticks, asking "Why do we need sticks." "Just go" I said. She did and was happy when she saw what we were doing with them. Next, I sent her for dried grass. She came back and said she couldn't find any, just dried leaves. I went along with her and we found dried grass for the manger and the floor of the barn. She was so proud of her project and put it in her bedroom for display. Later, I went into the garage and found a bale of hay! It would have looked better, but Chloe is satisfied with the dried grass. That is all that matters.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
No Pressure
"Uncles and aunts, and cousins, are all very well, and fathers and mothers are not to be despised; but a grandmother, at holiday time, is worth then all." Fanny Fern
We got Camryn this soccer picture for her bedroom. Her Mommy played soccer for Messiah and is now the assistant coach of the Messiah Womens National Championship team. Her Daddy played for Messiah, was on 2 National Championship teams, having 1 assist and 1 goal in those games.. He is now the assisant coach of the Messiah Mens National Championship team. No PRESSURE what-so-ever on Camryn to play soccer!
We got Camryn this soccer picture for her bedroom. Her Mommy played soccer for Messiah and is now the assistant coach of the Messiah Womens National Championship team. Her Daddy played for Messiah, was on 2 National Championship teams, having 1 assist and 1 goal in those games.. He is now the assisant coach of the Messiah Mens National Championship team. No PRESSURE what-so-ever on Camryn to play soccer!
Another Sick One
"If God had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn't have given us grandmothers."
Linda Henley
Cole was sick on Tuesday morning. He spent the morning on the sofa napping and watching a move. By lunch time he was feeling some better so he went to school. He had wrestling practice that evening and really wanted to go so off to school he went.
Today, Cali wasn't feeling good. I hope they get finished with this "bug" before Christmas.
Linda Henley
Cole was sick on Tuesday morning. He spent the morning on the sofa napping and watching a move. By lunch time he was feeling some better so he went to school. He had wrestling practice that evening and really wanted to go so off to school he went.
Today, Cali wasn't feeling good. I hope they get finished with this "bug" before Christmas.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wrestling for GMU
"Some people dream of success. . .while others wake up and work hard at it."
We went to see Ty wrestle at Penn State last Sunday. He is cutting 20 pounds to wrestle at 149. Although he still isn't feeling well, he is looking much better. He was just coming back after 3 weeks off due to a knee injury. It's a tough sport, but he's a tough kid.
We went to see Ty wrestle at Penn State last Sunday. He is cutting 20 pounds to wrestle at 149. Although he still isn't feeling well, he is looking much better. He was just coming back after 3 weeks off due to a knee injury. It's a tough sport, but he's a tough kid.
The Princess Quilt
"But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. . ." Robert Frost
Chloe reminded me that I promised to help her make a princess quilt when she came home from Florida. She worked so hard on laying out the material. I wanted to do something a little different and cut the fabric into smaller squares. She didn't want anything to do with that, she likes the "bigger" squares. "You can see more of the princess things that way. "
The Smallest
"Somestimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." Winnie the Pooh
I haven't seen my "Sunshine"since they got back from Texas. Boy do I miss her! She is growing and changing every day. I think I need to make a special trip to Mechanicsburg SOON!!
I haven't seen my "Sunshine"since they got back from Texas. Boy do I miss her! She is growing and changing every day. I think I need to make a special trip to Mechanicsburg SOON!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My Ballerinas
"Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another."
We were decorating for Christmas with music playing in the backround. The girls decided that they wanted to dance. Chloe will start ballet lessons in January and is so excited. Cali will dance until she sees that I have the camera.
We were decorating for Christmas with music playing in the backround. The girls decided that they wanted to dance. Chloe will start ballet lessons in January and is so excited. Cali will dance until she sees that I have the camera.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
First Christmas Ornament
"Happiness is an unexpected Hug." Every year we get the kids Old World Christmas Ornaments. We were giving Camryn her first one, a monkey! She loved it and wanted to hold it all the time. It had some glitter on it and her little fingers were covered with glitter.
I am having so much trouble with the blog. Sorry for the way it looks. I am hoping Bethany can help me get it back to its regular form.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Carter
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglas
We celebrated Carter's birthday on Sunday. He loves getting presents and had a great time opening his gifts, even though I got him the wrong DVD!
"Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies."
Cole bought this crazy hat while they were in Florida. They were all so excited to tell us about their trip. They all talked at one time!
Cole bought this crazy hat while they were in Florida. They were all so excited to tell us about their trip. They all talked at one time!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bad Computer!!
My computer was not working last week. Major malfunction!! It is now fixed, but won't load pictures today. Christopher and his family just returned from Florida last night and I'm sure the kids have a lot to tell me about the trip. Troy , Bethany and Camryn just returned today from Texas. Messiah Men's and Women's soccer team won the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!! Yeah Messiah. I will have lots of pictures for that also. I spent 2 days with the Dumpling and Enchilada, while they were sick. Jen had appointments and needed to do some shopping, so I was happy to help out. We went to see Ty wrestle at Penn State today and have lots of pictures from that. No posting of pictures today, hopefully tomorrow!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
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